Get Connected

"Our Mission at K.R.B.C Ministries is to Love God, Love Others, and Reach the Community for Christ Jesus."
What Is Connection?
Connection means being in a relationship with others. In Christianity, we have a special word for this: koinonia or fellowship. The first time koinonia is mentioned in the Bible is in Acts 2:42, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Connecting through fellowship is a key part of life at K.R.B.C Ministries!
How Do I Get Connected?
Bible Study Classes
The first step to getting connected at K.R.B.C Ministries is attending small group bible studies.
We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am and Wednesday nights at 7:00pm. We offer classes for all ages.
All classes are held in the Education Building. This is the building behind the sanctuary. If you need help finding your classroom, start in the Social Hall which is the central room with the kitchen.
Another way to get connected at K.R.B.C Ministries is to attend events.
Did you know we have something happening at church almost every night of the week!
Check out our Events Page for information on ongoing services. Be be sure to download our Church App for all special event details.
Participating and serving in ministry is the ultimate way to get connected at K.R.B.C Ministries!
Check out our Ministries Page to see what we have to offer and start connecting with our ministry leaders.
What's Next?
At K.R.B.C Ministries, we not only want to see you connect but we also want to see you grow.
Through our Growth Track, members learn how to walk with Christ and fulfill His Great Commission (Matt 28).
Check out our Grow Page to take your next step!